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by on July 23, 2022

It's been a problem for months and it WOW WOTLK Classic Gold was eventually the breaking point for the leadership. The raid team has shifted during every tier of BfA. Only the direction, myself along with two/three other members have been at the guild/raid team because Uldir (and I only pick the initial Heroic Prog/Farm) so that they have tired of bleeding WOW players/losing WOW players and disbanded. Having to searching for a brand new guild on Retail stinks on Stormrage, especially at the end of the expac. I'm thinking of just rerolling Horde or playing a server that is smaller to find a new guild to cover with.

One of your main problems in regards to community is that you're on Draenor. It is among the biggest EU realms and as a result it's a huge cesspool of garbage with very little good things to mention of it in general. I used to play on Draenor, then moved down to Magtheridon and it's a lot better even though Magtheridon remains a dreadful realm. Afterwards, I moved again to one of the tiniest realms in EU and it's so much different here. Many would say the kingdom feels lifeless and honestly, they're not wrong, but the feeling of community is definitely there. There is always someone helping somebody on trade chat and there is just generally a very good atmosphere here in contrast to bigger realms.

I wholeheartedly suggest that you have a jab at a few other realms and find out how they feel in contrast, because I can almost guarantee you that many realms will be better compared to Draenor. You may use something similar to this site to roughly gauge the domain dimensions. This is highly wrong because it only takes in to account part of the playerbase on any given realm, but it is going to provide you an idea on what is a large and what's a little kingdom. In addition to that, RP lands, barring Argent Dawn, have been in my experience usually more favorable than non-RP lands.

Definitely having a look. I would much prefer a more compact pop and better experience to a huge pop and bad experience. I'm unsure how it is in EU since im in NA but the RP and RPvP realms often have much greater communities, even in the event that you don't intend on RPing. A couple of my friends insisted on playing Illidan to get BFA since thats the realm all the huge pve guilds and aggressive WOW players are on. After buy WOTLK Gold a couple weeks I needed to transfer back to ED, a fantastic community makes WOW WoTLK Classic 1000x better.

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