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by on August 12, 2021

I will not post names until I've spoken to RuneScape Gold the players and ensured that they are happy with it However, there were a few top-ranked members as well as free players. The other players were friendly and we had a great time spending the weekend with them.

We arrived at Jagex early on a Thursday morning. We did not only arrive, but they actually let us inside! Although they have invited us to join them, they won't allow anyone to gain entry when they show up. 

After we finished the formalities, such as introductions, signing the Non Disclosure Agreement and getting information about the weekend plans and activities, they led us to the breakroom. Andrew Gower and Mark Gerhard joined us after which we all had a great lunch.

After lunch, we went back to Jagex, a magical land of mystery and magic. There, they took us to a guided tour of every department. It was a great experience. Each department would have a few people who worked there to explain the department's functions and the reasons behind them.

Apart from what was shown to us, it appeared like a great workplace in which everyone is enthusiastic about their work. Andrew and Mark let us ask any questions we had. They were relaxed and just talked with us. They responded to our questions and explained on Buy RS3 Gold the reasons for why they responded in the manner they did.

Posted in: Business
Topics: runescape
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