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Dr Apurva Tiwari
by on July 26, 2022

We all know that depression can be really hard to deal with and you might feel like nothing can make you happy. However, there is a way to overcome depression and this is by focusing on studies when you’re depressed.

When you feel like you can’t stand up in the morning, you feel like you want to go back to bed and everything seems to be the worst thing ever, then you must focus on studies.

There are several reasons why you feel like this; the first one is that you are so stressed out by life. You might feel like the world is against you and you can’t do anything about it. So, when you feel like this, you can’t concentrate on studies because your mind is filled with negativity, says a female psychiatrist from Indore.

The second reason why you might feel like this is that you might be thinking too much and you might have a lot of stress. This can be the result of a busy schedule, but it can also be the result of your stressful family or school.

The third reason is that you might be feeling low because of your grades. When you feel like this, you can’t focus on studies because you might be thinking that you can’t make it up.

The fourth reason is that you might be thinking that you can’t cope with studying and you might feel like you’ll never make it.

Whatever the reason for your depressed mood, you can still make it through it. You just have to focus on studies.

How to focus on studies when you’re depressed

There are several tips that will help you to cope with your depressed mood; the first one is to stay away from negative people. This is because they can only bring you down and make you feel worse.

If you don’t feel like being around people, then you can turn to books or games. If you don’t feel like reading, then you can use your phone to read. You might also feel like watching movies, you can even use your headphones to listen to music.

When you feel like doing something, you can start studying or you can do it slowly. If you don’t feel like studying, you can try to relax, says a female psychiatrist from Indore.


We all know how hard it is to stay focused on studies, and when you’re depressed it can be even harder. However, it is possible to overcome it. So, just focus on studying and you will make it.

Posted in: Health
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