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by on November 8, 2020


I'm amazed at  Animal Crossing Nook Miles Ticket how translatable the show actions were to Animal Crossing actions.Same and now I have no clue what that first is from. Nevertheless impressed and entertained.I remember seeing my young cousin who is in college now watch that series as a kid, I had no clue what was happening. But after seeing all of the memes years after, I'm glad it had been made.This made me audibly laugh. Enjoy your upvote

It is crazy they made a live action model off the original.I have absolutely no clue what's going on here, but I can tell a lot of work into it and that's pretty cool.I never even really watched Lazy Town (my younger sister did a few so I know a tiny bit about it), but this was really enjoyable and a wild ride from begin to finish. Good work

I'm a grown adult and I loved that series. It was over the top silly with some clean adult comedy added in.I got into a great deal of child shows as an adult for my two kids. This was clearly one of those favorites but it actually surprised me how many of Nickelodeon's displays were intended to be enjoyable to parents, too.Oh no! OP was only getting started in their Animal Crossing editing career!

I can't imagine how long that must've taken, seriously! Good job! I wish I had an award to give!I do not think you understand how many upvotes that is gonna get.Open up all your reactions and you can press Y to perform feelings Without a delay!I adore how Sportacus just... lays down peacefully after eating the apple

My domain is idle city haha it has been so long since I have seen any reference to the tv series. AC recreations as a concept has peaked. Ain't gonna secure greater than this.This is completely amazing!!! I had no clue what I was watching (50 yo with no kids here) but I saw before the end because I was impressed.I appeared lazy town shit cuz of this and dude those tunes are total bangers.

Love everything about it. Always loved this meme and how it was begun to draw focus to a Fantastic cause (cancer research)

Oh my goodness, these hours were so worth it, I loved how you put the side by side, it was incredible! The edits were sooo good!

I need to ask. Why does this desire the side by side, and the first audio? It's such high excellent work, that I can't help but think that it stands much better on its own, particularly if  buy Animal Crossing Bells the backing track was a KK-style remix of this tune.

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