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by on July 29, 2022

In 2019, both of my daughters competed in the selection process for the United States of America's international team, and as a direct result of their efforts, they were each given a spot on the Streamer Duration team. I am very proud of their accomplishments. Taking into consideration the fact that it is held on a global scale, this is without a doubt one of the most challenging competitions that one can take part in. This is a requirement that cannot be waived. Weight is the most important factor to take into account for the purposes of this competition.




When we have participated in earlier iterations of this competition, we have constructed our rockets with fiberglass and epoxy as the primary construction materials to use. However, other countries were moving away from traditional rockets made of metal and toward rockets made of  3k carbon fiber tube and epoxy because of the lighter weight of the latter material.

However, we did not have the necessary manufacturing experience to produce ultra-lightweight airframes from carbon fiber, and our competitors had no intention of sharing any of their trade secrets with us. Moreover, our competitors did not want to share any of their trade secrets with us.

As a result of this, I have spent the past two years contributing to a study that aims to determine how 3k carbon fiber tube and epoxy can be utilized to create airframes. The study is entitled "How Carbon Fiber and Epoxy Can Be Used to Create Airframes."You will learn in a matter of hours what it cost me close to $5,000 and thousands of hours to learn. You will learn much faster than I did.

After everything was said and done, my strategy ended up helping the team representing the United States of America win four medals in the streamer event. These medals included a gold medal for the junior female division, silver medals for the senior individual and senior team competitions, and bronze medals for the junior individual competition.

When I first started working on this project, I had six requirements that needed to be satisfied by these rockets, and the requirements are as follows:

A surface that has such a high level of smoothness and gloss that it would reduce the amount of resistance, also known as drag.

It was necessary for both the tube and the nose cone to have a weight that was lower than 5 grams in order for the product to be considered ultra-lightweight. This was one of the requirements.

airtight: the tube could not have any air leaks; otherwise, the nose cone would not be ejected when the motor fired the ejection charge. airtightness refers to the absence of air leaks.  airtightness refers to the absence of air leaks. When we talk about airtightness, we are referring to the absence of a vacuum in the space.

Strong: capable of withstanding the high forces that are applied when a flight is launched by a piston.

It was essential that it possessed a high level of durability in order for it to be flown more than once without having to go through any modifications in order for it to be considered reusable.

Every one of these objectives was accomplished, and the majority of them were even surpassed by our team's performance. In point of fact, the weight of each rocket was noticeably less than 4 grams, and the gap between the two values was significant. They were able to boost higher than any of our other competitors because the surface was so smooth. This was a major advantage for them over the rest of the field. This was in stark contrast to the fact that the rockets used by our competitors were incapable of coping with the high speed lift-off.

What I've discovered; do you believe that this is something that you, too, will eventually become familiar with? In addition to that, you will require some additional materials. If that were the only requirement, the very first tube that I attempted to use would have been successful. If only that were the case. Between the two of them, they were not the one hundredth weasel that they had encountered...

After much consideration, I've determined that achieving one's goals depends on a variety of factors, some of which are as follows:

Specific Categories of Musical Instruments:The requirement of the two-part mold is something that cannot be avoided. However, there are a large number of additional small specialized tools and jigs that are required in order to complete the lay-up process successfully. If you do not have them, either your chance of success will plummet to an all-time low, or it will take you a noticeably longer amount of time to reach a tube that will work. If you do not have them, either way, your rate of success will be significantly reduced.

Methods: One of the most important aspects to take into account is the manner in which the activities are carried out. For example, what is the proper order for layering the carbon-fiber cloth and the epoxy in order to achieve the desired effect? Learning a technique in this manner is the most efficient way to do so. For this, it is necessary for you to have an understanding of the process as it unfolds on a molecular level. You will need to have a molecular-level understanding of the process in order to successfully complete this task. There is no other way to do it. Carbon fiber is distinguished from other materials by virtue of its possessing qualities such as these. These miraculous items answered questions that, prior to embarking on this journey, I had not even considered the possibility of inquiring about. If you do not have access to these materials, there is a good chance that you will never be able to build an airframe tube that satisfies the six criteria for success that I had. If you do not have access to these materials, there is a good chance that you will never be able to build an airframe tube that satisfies the

It was necessary to take into account not only the order in which the steps are completed, but also the importance of this particular aspect of the process. The tubes that were not accepted were placed in boxes.

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