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lowes Emily
by on July 30, 2022

The very first time it came out, we didn't possess a decade and a half worth of knowledge about how to maximize it. Just from that alone, the same code won't create anything near the exact same experience. Retail has tons of difficulties, but I do not get the people who believe raiding took skill in vanilla and then got too easy later on. WoTLK Gold is possibly not vanilla WoW. Lots of things are different, regardless of the mantra of"no modifications". WOW WoTLK Classic is a Frankenstein of unique patches and values, with a mess of contemporary changes Blizz had to slap to"fix" items they don't like, again despite"no modifications".

I've had exactly the identical experience with WOW WoTLK Classic. I don't mind that extreme min max culture is a thing as far as top guilds are involved, I mind the part where the mindset has trickled down to almost the playerbase of all. I was in a meh guild on a meh waiter and ran my own fair share of PUGs, even with few exceptions. It takes the pleasure from WOW WoTLK Classic, the ratio is way, way off using WOW WoTLK Classic players.

It's just as prevalent in sadly. Consistently running dungeons with people saying"This is the way they do it MDI!" While being incapable of knowing they do in MDI. I doesn't matter how many times you say"No, pulling 6 packs and'just aoe them' does not do the job " They never understand it requires cooldowns to handle the damage coming in and going out all. I love that it is a solved match. I understand what I want to do and that I know how to do everything that has to be carried out. Now the fun comes from getting through the material and executing the struggles. Do I want to assemble this raid to be cleared by all world buffs? Hell no, but me with that's something I love doing, and those buffs helps us clear faster.

Out of interest, how hot are fire mages in this phase in buy WoTLK Gold ? Until we found ignites in 13, they had been used in Vanilla. But before then, we were paranoid so everyone played frost. There is a fire strike shatter build for aoe grinding that's super hot but none of those dps mages have swapped to complete fire as far as I know.There has been a lot of danger to fire at first, particularly in AQ. But the DPS was essential in Naxx there appeared to be less AoE and crap. But I suspect with everybody being brighter and better than 10 years back, make the change to fire sooner and they could start to push on it.

Posted in: Entertainment
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