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by on August 5, 2022

This is an extension on that previous point. If you're looking for Mut 23 Coins an example, here's one: how many times have you played the same game repeatedly during Madden with AI opponents? Most likely of times, isn't it? It's feasible to run the same three or four plays on every down without a penalty. Real NFL teams aren't as if they do. Madden 23 ought to have an algorithm to allow CPU coaches and teams to react to repeated play in a real manner.

A defensive coordinator who is honest and trustworthy would be slapped with the bullet when rivals take the same route to the corner five times in a row on the same drive, without altering their defensive line at all. There's no doubt that there's a problem. EA should not make it difficult to play the same play multiple times in a game. If you'd like to run the touchdown-scoring pass in the first quarter , and then deep in the third quarter, do it. The real, natural football is what football players long for.

It's an unselfish decision. Anyone who has played Madden for a long time will appreciate however. Listening to Brandon Gaudin and Charles Davis talk about commentary has become old fashioned - they sound bored today. EA or EA needs to either give new dialogue to them, or bring somebody similar to Tony Romo in there to anticipate everything prior to you doing it. The former Cowboys QB and Jim Nantz could be an excellent option to add into the present tools in Madden 23.

If EA cannot be bothered to record hundreds of lines, add them to the Playoffs in Franchise Mode. In addition, to be a bit greedy, bring Al Michaels and Cris Collinsworth to join for Sunday Night Football too. It's not enough to request. Every NFL commentator team is unique and has their own broadcast style that is a focal point later in the season, however, it's not so in Madden where Gaudin and Davis are saying the exact things they did in week one.

EA has thankfully included an scouting suite for rookies to Madden 22's Franchise after its launch which was a welcomed feature. The next step is to continue in the process and eliminate frustrating issues like not knowing how great an athlete is in catching before signing the player. The most important stats will be revealed through thorough Scouting. This is just the basics. Who would want to draft an unproven quarterback when Buy Mut 23 Coins they don't know how precise his arm is or if he's capable throwing long balls at shaky cornerbacks?

Posted in: Entertainment
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