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by on August 7, 2022

The main problems in psychology:

The desire to win back after losing, and by unreasonably raising the stakes.

 Is there such a thing? Until you fix this problem forget about professional betting.

"All or nothing", "I was or was not", "Today is the lucky day", "the stars aligned" - well, the meaning you understand.

 Is there such a thing? You're sick with addiction and you'll probably never reach a professional level. With exactly the same slogans, sick people lose money in casinos and ruin their lives and their families.

You can't be sure of anything in life, much less betting. Raising the stakes and betting everything is impossible, even on the most obvious favorite. 

A professional has no favorite teams and national teams, and I constantly say it in my predictions. You can't "load" on something only because it's your favorite team and it must win "by all means".

 Do not get carried away with Live bets and expresses - it's a gamble by definition, and the main income of bookmakers.

 Never try to convince yourself of the correctness of your bet, inventing imaginary arguments. On the contrary, try to find weaknesses and convince yourself to bet.

When you realize that betting is a job like anything else, your problems will go away. And your only problem will be choosing a reliable online casino where you can get 4rabet promocode 

The average person treats the game as an entertainment, although often very much would like to win. He defines for himself a limit of money he can spend on the game, or a limit of time after which he will stop playing, regardless of whether he wins or loses. Those who play from time to time plan the probability of losing a certain amount and include it in the cost of entertainment.

Note that persons with a "gambling vein", but at the same time with a sense of responsibility choose safer substitutes for gambling, namely lotteries, audio and television contests. Sometimes, however, they too lose control of their emotions, and the thirst for profit and the thrill of risk-taking take over.

Posted in: Sports
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