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by on August 8, 2022

If you choose to play Lost Ark, your first experience on the continent of Rohendel, as opposed to Rivendell, will take place at Lake Shiverwave. This will be the case regardless of which of the two games you choose to play. On the other hand, the first place you will visit will be Rivendell. This will become clear to you as soon as you put in even a little bit of effort into playing the game for the first time. After being in the chilly and dark environment of Shushire, it comes as a pleasant surprise to see that Mokoko Seeds appear to flourish in the more brightly lit conditions.

Despite the fact that Lake Shiverwave is a port location that is regarded as having a moderate level of security, it has a healthy supply of 10 Mokoko Seeds that are dispersed across its expansive map

1.  These seeds can be found in a variety of locations

2.  These seeds can be discovered in a great number and assortment of different places all over the world

3.  In order to meet yet another one of the requirements, it is expected that you have previously consumed alcohol (yes, this is a requirement), and in order to meet three more of the requirements, it is required that you perform the Song of Eternity

4.  In order to meet all of the prerequisites, you must have previously consumed alcohol

5.  After you have traversed the bridge and entered Lake Market from the other side, you will need to make your way to the western side of the square as quickly as you can once you have entered the market

6.  This will ensure that you do not miss anything

7.  When you step on one of them, a sign in the middle of the screen that says "climb down" will appear immediately after you take the action of stepping on it

8.  You can navigate to the bottom of the display by pressing the button that is situated to the right of the screen

9.  This will allow you to access the content that is located there

10.  A Charisma score of at least 250 is required in order to enter the building

11.  This platform can be found on the level that is directly above the primary floor of the market (which is also referred to as the primary floor)

12.  This is a requirement in order to participate

13.  You will come across the character who is not playable

14.  If you enter the round hut that is covered in straw and proceed further inside it, Elmaro will be waiting for you there

15.  He is at the back of the hut

16.  The distance is by no means insurmountable and should not be an obstacle

After leaving the circular platform by going in the opposite direction, follow the wooden path as best place to  buy Lost Ark gold slowly curves around to the left. This will lead you to the next section of the maze. The circular platform will be behind you once you have completed the previous step. You will need to first open the chest before you can begin playing the Song of Eternity, so make your way there before you start playing the song. Doing so will allow you to start playing the song. After you have completed reading sixty percent of the Rohendel Adventurer's Tome, you will be eligible to receive this reward.

There are five distinct locations in which the Mokoko Seed can be discovered, and Aven's house is the fifth of these. When you get to the bottom, make a sharp turn to the left, and the blue portal that's in the middle of the room will take you into Aven's house. You will find a second enormous wooden chest in this location. In order to gain access to the contents of this chest, you will need to play the Song of Eternity one more time. You won't have any trouble finding her in that building because she works in the same building as Eiza, who is the one who sells the components that are required, so you can just ask her for help if you need it. After landing from the jump, the player has the option of going to the left, which will bring them to the non-playable character Gherdia, who will be waiting for them on the other side of the gap.

If you continue to follow in his steps after consuming the Honey Butter Beer, which will cause its effects to linger on you for five minutes, you will be transported to an unknown location. When you get there, there will be a water fountain in the middle of the platform, and immediately adjacent to it will be a Mokoko Seed. Both of these items will be in the same general location.

You will need to make your way back to the location where the NPC Gherdia is standing, and after that, you will need to proceed further into the demolished settlement by moving in a direction that is to the southwest of where you are currently standing. This will require you to make your way back to the location where the NPC Gherdia is standing. You will find that you are standing in a position that allows you to look down upon a circular stone floor that is covered in shattered pillars and rubble. This floor is located in the center of the room.

It can be found in the direction that is to the southwest of the Fairy Settlement. Mokoko Seed Eight can be found there. If you keep to the right and proceed westward into the next area, you will find another enormous wooden chest there. You can get to that area by going west. This chest can be found in roughly the same location as the one that came before it. You should now be familiar with the process, which requires you to play the Song of Eternity in order to discover the eighth Seed. In order to do so, you must have the Song of Eternity. You need to possess the Song of Eternity in order to accomplish what you want. If you haven't already, sing the Song of Eternity now that you're here. This is the one and only strategy that will be successful. There is no other option. As soon as you reach that point in the game, you will have the ability to scale the vines.

After you have traversed the wooden gangway, you can continue along it in an easterly direction to arrive at the subsequent floating platform that you need to access. If you follow these instructions, you will be able to get there. If you do not have 250 lost ark gold Courage, you will not be able to take part in either of these activities. You will be unable to.

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