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by on August 11, 2022

All sailing boats can be divided into several types according to three main parameters: the number of hulls, the principle of maintaining stability (the ability of the vessel to maintain or quickly return to balance), sailing armament.


- monohulls (single-hulled);

- with two or more hulls (catamarans, trimarans).

Multihull boats are faster than monohull ones. They are also much more stable up to a certain roll angle, but then a capsize becomes inevitable, and the consequences are much more significant.

According to the method of maintaining stability all monohull boats can be divided into:

- centerboards

- keelboats

- compromises


Have a bulwark (a heavy lead or cast-iron ballast keel for stability). The best you can do with a keelboat is to put her sails on the water. Then she is sure to return to her original condition.

Dinghies .

Only have a lightweight wingtip. Its main function is hydrodynamic. The stability of the dinghy is maintained by moving the weight of the crew. As a consequence, it is not very difficult to flip such a boat.

Compromise .

In this case, additional ballast is placed inside the hull and a heavy centerboard contributes to stability. Compromise is much harder to flip than a conventional centerboard boat, but it is not immune to a complete overturn.

Sailing armament - a set of elements of the rigging of a sailing vessel: sails, spars and rigging. The most common types are:

"Bermuda sloop" (cruising, cruising yachts);

- single-sail "kat" is especially popular with single-sail dinghies 

As we can see there are a lot of yacht types, but what they have in common is that you have to be able to manage it. And this is where you can get professional training at https://yapp.pro/.

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