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by on August 15, 2022

If you have just discovered that your husband has been cheating on you, you are likely feeling a range of emotions – disbelief, anger, betrayal, and sadness are just a few. You may be wondering what to say to him when he comes home. Whether you decide to confront him or not, here are some things that you can say to help you process what has happened and begin moving on with your life.

"I can't believe you would do this to me."

"I trusted you and you betrayed me."

"How could you be so callous and hurt me like this?"

"Our marriage was supposed to be built on trust and now that's gone."

"I'm so disappointed in you."

"I need some time to process this betrayal."

"I'm not sure I can ever trust you again."

"I don't know if I can stay married to someone who has hurt me so deeply."

Confronting your husband about his infidelity can be a difficult and emotional experience. But it is important to do what feels right for you. If you decide to confront him, remember to stay calm and avoid attacking him. Instead, try to focus on how his actions have made you feel.

If you decide not to confront your husband about his cheating, that is okay too. You can still begin working through your emotions and moving on with your life. Talk to a trusted friend or family member about what you're going through, or consider seeing a therapist to help you deal with your emotions.

No matter what you decide to do, know that you are not alone. Many women have gone through what you are currently experiencing. You will get through this – one day at a time. Talk about what to do after cheating

Posted in: Entertainment
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