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by on August 28, 2021

In ISO 27001 Certification in Philippines Communicating is a major activity for any man. This is also the major cause for an organization. It helps trade the most correct information to the best spectators and at the best time. It is surely important in security management because you want people to respond genuinely.


Important also is that successful communication, in satisfying content, format, and time, creates trust both from external and internal parties. It shows how prepared you are, and whether you are reactive or, proactive or better.


ISO 27001 inscription the communication issue three times, and organizations inadequate to execute the ISMS have to look closely at these requirements.


What exactly is a Communication Plan?

Clause 7.4 requires a specific answer to a series of questions on security issues: Who should communicate? To whom? What messages? On what? How? And when?


Let’s look more in detail at how to address these questions.


On what? (content) Organizations should distinctly communicate what is important to them: the requirement for information security and the requirement to conform to the necessities and policies.


In ISO 27001 Services in Nigeria, it will direct the risk management issues, changed or new security objectives, and vulnerabilities, incidents, or events to begin the sufficient answer of all, and especially the trained personnel who perform the planned reaction. Honouring and congratulating the achievements of exceptional security conduct has very positive effects.


Including security requirements and clauses in the contract is also a way to communicate your requirements to product and service providers. Hence, it could be examined as a part of the Communication Plan.


Internal vs. External Communication Plan

It is important to identify that the Communication Plan has both external and internal aspects. They will react differently to the following questions.


Internal Communication Plan. Top organizations use the internal Communication Plan to forward messages on their objectives and commitment toward information security. Some examples are The Information Security Policy, the security organization with the key responsibilities and roles, the Awareness plan, the specific and general requirements to respond to incidents.


However, the internal Communication Plan should not remain resistive. The channels (telephone and email, for example) should also be used and known to communicate “bottom-up” from the base (the users) to the management about events or other new vulnerability.


External Communication Plan. Most of the examples that are explained above are related to the internal Communication Plan but are also completely relevant to the external Communication Plan.


According to ISO consultant in Chennai You may need to communicate to the external world: partners, clients, shareholders, regulatory authorities, and public authorities to report events either positive (successes) or negative (incidents, accidents, and crises). Here also you will need a Communication Plan responding to the same questions as above.


However, in this case, you’ll have to use more awareness as you may not expose or spread sensitive information that will make your situation worse.


How to document the Communication Plan?

Depending on the size of the company and its security objectives, the Communication Plan could be less or more formal, fully documented as a separate document, or simply stated in a few sentences within other policies, plans, and procedures.


As long as the desired messages are spread to those who should make the best of it, your solution will fit your needs and the resources you can allocate to it.


Why is a Communication Plan important?

To finalize, the Communication Plan is a question of maintaining and creating confidence and trust in 1) your preparedness, 2) your potential to face events, and 3) your capacity to recover from crises.


The Communication Plan is a key component of a good Information Security Management System. One of the Returns On (Security) Investments of a good Communication Plan, as essential by ISO 27001, is a strong image, both external and internal. Losing internal (or stakeholders’) trust is sometimes worse than losing your public image. You risk implosion.


How to Apply for ISO 27001 Certification in Philippines?

 Do you want to get an ISO 27001 Certification in Philippines? then we are here to help you, we are the top company incorporation service provider in Qatar. feel free to send your inquiry to [email protected] or feel free to contact: 7975187793 or visit https://www.certvalue.com/

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