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by on September 16, 2022

Unfortunately, many people in a relationship or marriage have experienced infidelity more than once. And if in free, polygamous relationships, which are negotiated “on the shore”, “turning to the left” is not considered infidelity, then in traditional relationships everything is exactly the opposite.

There are many reasons for infidelity - the old life is boring, quarrels with a partner, new love. It is with the latter that the protagonist of the series "Wind Woman" faces. Young entrepreneur Nikita Gorelov lives an ordinary life - he has a job, his own apartment, car and beloved bride. However, all this seems ephemeral when he meets Leah on his way.

How to find out what is cheating on you? Should adultery be forgiven? How to psychologically cope with betrayal? The answers to these questions were given by psychologists.

Trust your intuition

We always feel when the attitude of others around us changes both for better and for worse. And all thanks to intuition. It is believed that it is inherent only to women, moreover, it is very often endowed with mystical properties. In fact, there is nothing mysterious about intuition. It's just that our subconscious pays attention to any manifestation of the feelings of a person close to us, any event associated with it, which we either miss, considering it insignificant, or do not notice at all. For the subconscious, absolutely everything is important - a look, a gesture, a careless word, or, conversely, silence. From the smallest details, it makes up a picture-mosaic and reads the information that it carries in itself. When something bad happens to us, we often exclaim in amazement: "I knew it!" or: "I had a presentiment!" Many perceive this as a figure of speech, nothing more, in fact, we are really able to foresee, or rather, predict certain events, including treason. You just need to listen to yourself and trust the signals that the subconscious mind sends us.

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