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by on September 5, 2021

Have you ever felt the condition where you do exercise with quite often but result seems to go on another way?. In this case maybe you have done it with too excessive.

It's not that hard to notice if a thing that is practiced outside illogical number, then the result can become pretty much the opposite, and you may risk the health.

Basically it's easy to find the goal from running exercise with right, such as make ideal weight stable for longer. And beside fixing the current mood, by being active, many people could minimize risk of chronic health problem.

But exercise, according to many expert, may give harmful impact. People can harm the body and feel the pain if the routine is applied incorrectly or with excessive.

No exact measurement for when an exercise method is considered unhealthy. Someone can do jogging as long as he can without having trouble while the others may struggle with the same situation.

Thankfully, some signs of body can suggest if you do over training, and you may suffer the condition below.

Not being able to focus fully, fatigue that can disturb normal activity, problem with heart, drastically change of mood, and problem with mental and physique.

One of the sign above is indication, and probably is enough to suggest you whether to continue the exercise or not.

The body must be refreshed, since physical activity does affect your stamina. And beside sleeping, the foods can help for above purpose.
Moreover, the effect of over training can affect appetite, low immune and also dehydration.

The mental side, not only can be affected badly, like addiction in running the exercise over and over.

A person when he's gone too far for practicing something, then he could do less responsible thing in terms of exercise, including to push himself.

Getting the time to skip exercise could be necessary if you found one of the symptoms above. Surely our health is above anything.

First thing first is, stop your main exercise routines first. And give it about a few weeks and become more refreshed.

Also consider to watch what to eat, and start to add more vegetables to your usual meals.

Beside finding the time to rest, changing the amount to less than before is good choice. Also watch the time to run activity and avoid extreme weather outside.

Well best way for exercise is already explain fully inside Healthguideblog hence you won't get lost for result, guaranteed.

Posted in: Health
Topics: exercise
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