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David Lin
by on September 9, 2021

Kudos can be obtained in the old-fashioned Runescape by helping the museum staff. Staff members will award kudos depending on which player they're helping. You can only access the fossil island once you have at 100 points.
Kudos in Oldschool Runescape
Kudos are the reward given to players for helping the Varrock Museum staff. Depending entirely on the player clearing certain Kudos thresholds and thresholds, they are awarded reward by various staff members throughout the museum. These Kudos cannot be spent, but they can be earned. The upper left-hand side of the screen shows the player's Kudos number. Players can also view their Kudos count and what obstacles they still need to accomplish by right-clicking on the information booth in the northwest corner at the ground floor of the Museum. For access to Fossil island, you need to have at minimum 100 Kudos. Once you have a Kudos of 153 have been gained (the previous maximum prior to the Fossil Island update) players are able to access the gate that leads to the Digsite.

These four techniques can earn the Varrock Museum player around 225 Kudos.

Clean the find (50 Kudos).

Take Orlando Smith's natural history quiz (28 Kudos)

Relating knowledge of specific completed quests to the Historian Minas (75 Kudos)

Ending fossil displays (72 Kudos).

Players can communicate with the Information Clerk situated on the first floor of the Varrock Museum to obtain specific tips on how to earn more Kudos.

An amount of kudos is compulsory for the player to be able to get a hold of the cape for master quest as well as the finalist cape.
Kudos cleaning up the mess
Digsite cleaning results can earn you up to 50 Kudos. Cleaning the Digsite sites is a way to earn Kudos. You must complete the The Dig Site quest. The south has been cut off. Talk to one of the archaeologists and discover that you'll require gloves and boots made of leather. Trowels, specimen brushes and other tools are all available from the tool rack located on the south wall. Once you've got all your equipment, you can remove any unclean objects from the Dig Site Test Rocks located next to the Sinco Doar. Make use of them on the open specimen tables to wash them.

How to get Kudos at Oldschool
In total, there are five artifacts which can be exchanged for kudos by having a conversation with any of the archaeologists throughout the area of cleaning:
The hunter may also find other artefacts, such as antique chipped vases or arrowheads, that can be traded for items in the artefact boxes as the user is cleaning the artefacts. There are a variety of low-level ore to be found, as well as coins, bowls and antique lamps. A archaeologist is in a position to teach you how to create an archaeologist Digsite pendant, if you bring them along.

Natural history quiz in Varrock Museum
A convenient method to earn some kudos is to visit the museum's basement to complete the Natural History quiz questions about various creatures found in RuneScape. To start, talk to Orlando Smith. Orlando Smith should be contacted first. After you have read the plaque, you'll find numerous exhibits that ask you questions regarding the species. The player or the user is only required to provide a total of three correct answers and another aspect to be aware of is that you are not penalized for giving out wrong answers. Two points are awarded to the user for correctly answering the three questions for every instance.

These 14 exhibits would award the visitors with a total of 28 points as well as the 1,000 Hunter's experience and the 1,000 Slayers' experiences talking to Orlando Smith.

To earn Kudos, you must be able to complete quests
When you have completed your tasks or quests, the player will be able to go to the 2nd floor [USof the museum to speak to Historian Minas.The player will see an explanation of the brief synopsis of whatever quest they're "turning in" and also receive praise or antique lamps that provide 1000 or 10,000 hours of experience in a particular skill of the player's choice (20 or more for 1,000 experience lamps, and 51 or more for the 10,000 lamps of experience) in the form of an award. The many display cases within the museum will display or showcase anything that is relevant to the quest.

Mr. Mordaut
The player can locate Mr.Mordaut in his office which is located under the stairs to the left in the basement. Speaking with Mr. Mordaut about the dragonkin could result in a boost of Kudos and the unique 25,000 Slayer XP lamp. In order to earn those rewards the player, as a requirement must complete the 'Ritual of the Mahjarrat as well as  the 'A Tail of Two Cats' (gives a kudos of 5) In addition, they must kill the King Black Dragon or obtain Last riders instead (gives the player a kudos of 5), and lastly gain victory over the Queen Black Dragon (this will result in five kudos). The player is granted the lamp only after they complete the required tasks. Speaking with Mr. Mordaut will give players an average of 15 Kudos.

Fossil Island OSRS
When you have completed the Bone Voyage quest the player will discover unknown or unidentified fossils on the Fossil Island that the player needs to clean to be recognized by the player. The players can also collect five smallfossils unidentified from Peter after they have constructed all the utilities. They are available in the Museum Camp. That is how they can get a head start.

Fossils cleaned by the user will be added to displays that are empty on the floor of paleontology at the Museum and can be reached by ascending the steps in the central portion of the natural history floor. There are a total of 14 small displays and 12 medium displays. 5 plant displays, and 5 large displays, where the largest display consists of five support sets that are merged into a single extremely huge display unit that resembles the Leviathan. A set of limbs, pelvis spine, spine, ribs, and skull are required to complete a display. For a display that is populated with plants, the player requires fossilized roots, leaves, branches, mushrooms, and stump.

Each display will be finished with two kudos and an antique lamp. It all depends on how many displays have been completed. Displays that are small offer an antique lamp which gives experience 2,000 in a particular area of. Plants or displays that are large can give players an the experience of 5,000. This is a staggering 120,000 experience if all of the displays have been completed.

Kudos Rewards
There are certain benefits that the player can obtain and enjoy through a specific amount of Kudos. Below are a few examples of ways that kudos may help obtain you benefits:

100 Kudos This will allow the player to access Fossil Island.
150 Kudos This will allow the player to gain access to Volcanic Mine.
153 Kudos: This will allow the player to access the Workman's Gate, which opens onto the Digsite. This is also a prerequisite for the Hard Varrock diary.
Speaking to the information clerk:
51+ Kudos: This will give the player 1000 points in Mining.
101+ Kudos: this will get the player 2,500 experience in mining and Crafting.
151+ Kudos The player will receive the player 4,000 hours of experience in Crafting, Slayer, Prayer, Hunter, Smithing and Prayer.
Most frequently asked questions
How do you earn kudos OSRS
Being a part of the Varrock Museum staff can earn your kudos.

How can I earn 153 Kudos?
You can earn the equivalent of 153 Kudos by fulfilling all tasks assigned by Varrock's museum staff.

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