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by on November 25, 2023

The reason why you shouldn't play a frost wizard is because they're extremely soft and easy to fall short of, since you must cast to be successful and WoTLK Classic Gold if your enemy team is able to shut you down, there's nothing to be enjoyed.

The next item is fire, this Specter comes with a huge amount of buffs that turn into anger. The main objective of a fire mage is to.up the team of your adversaries with a live bombs and search for windows to make a good Dragon's Breath either on the enemy team and polymorph the enemy team out of it, or even one on the team's DPS totally dismantling their momentum.

There are also products that can be used for quick tasks like Pyro blasts which, if used correctly can absolutely destroy anyone who is speedy. It will enable you to run around the map nearly constantly making it easier to get into a good area to establish a kill window with Dragon's Breath to do massive damage.

If you want to play a fire mages because they offer an incredible level of mobility, they also have a blazing speed. They also Blink and mostly quick actions to ensure that the tension stays high. Dragon's Breath is an extremely satisfying skill on an extremely short cooldown, allowing you to make amazing setups using it.

There are many reasons why you shouldn't play a fire mage because there is only one ice block allowing you to die fairly easily in a lot of scenarios and the damage you cause being largely dependent on procs. A fire mage who is skilled will ruin your team to death with living bomb and enchaining Dragon's Breath to poly on cooldown. This creates massive pressure. It will also send everyone else into the incorrect positions.

Moving on to a category that has received a massive amount of buffs we are currently covering the hunter. Although you are technically able to play any of the three classes, it is the one which reigns supreme by a significant margin, and that is that of Taurus marksmanship cheap WOW WoTLK Classic Gold. Marksmanship hunters are among of the toughest classes in the game because there is a huge range of skills available to not just you but also your pet.

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