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by on December 12, 2023

They thought it would be cool to revisit what a majority of you consider to be one of the most WoTLK Classic Gold exciting raids and put it back in the game at level 16 Excuse me a little at I don't really foresee it as a thing people will get like a super like hard like raid difficulty experience PvE experience from it. Wrath babies were created for some reason. It's just the whole concept of wrath babies and everything.

The essence of what wrath the lich King will be about and game content, it's going to boil down to PvP. I'm sure that players are going to be excited about the Wrath of Lich King arenas and PvP. This is going to be the primary thing players will desire to see. The problem I see in this particular video is that it's somewhat difficult to follow sometimes if you aren't one to sit down and like trying to grasp it. Like if you don't watch the video with intention, it can be kind of hard to understand. I'm constantly in contact with many of the developers as well as people who work for the project.

There are things that have been changed for the better even at the very beginning of the classic announcement, some positive changes have been made as well, surely? Whether whether we go back to the old school launch, the original plan was to have four patches, or this was one of the initial big ones and we were very excited about that. And then , I think of how my Discord knew people were flooding into my Discord.

And we were talking voice chat, excited as if this was the channel we were like waving the flag for. We're like, we're in need of greater than 4 patches. This isn't going to be good. Then I added, I had a big chat with folks at Blizzard that needed to be around eight or six patches, and I think they settled on seven patches in total, similar to phases.

If I'm talking about patches or even getting ready to go on the Burning Crusade like I pushed to the limit for seal twisting, pap also for Paladins to buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold to have sealed blood to support the Alliance and also to keep seal twisting even though they got rid of the spell batching that totally changed the experience like the reptile experience as well as Burning Crusade.

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