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by on December 2, 2020

"nobody watches the preseason" is a completely meaningless comment. Individuals who say they're going to boycott are often individuals who never had any motive to buy in the first place. Yep. Additionally, most of the time people that are up to date with  Madden 21 coins the newest gaming controversies aren't exactly sports fans, which is obviously the biggest playerbase of sports matches. I think a lot of individuals forget about it. For a lot of madden 2k etc. buyers that is gonna be 1 of maybe 4 of 5 matches they buy that year they don't care about any controversy. Hell as a huge basketball and video game fan I know 2k is fucking me over but I really like basketball and play 2k religiously alone and with friends why do I not buy it lol.

Probably especially true for people who need to announce their goals really loudly. Like the men and women who radically declare they're leaving a forum. Same with the most recent versions of 2K. If a get a craving to play Madden I will just pay $5 or $15 bucks to EA Play and after a month I will be done.

I wonder if there are folks like me and where they fall into those sales figures. People like you (and me) are that they created EA Play for, the type that will purchase a sports game to get in their group but not be fanatical about it. EA decided they would rather we give them the money directly instead of spend it buying a secondhand game which they receive no cash from.

But as much as if we factor in, we don't. If we're willing to wait for 6-months to play the new Madden after the actual season is over we are not the consumer they are after. I said I would boycott, and that I did. TBF tho I have 20 and am more than pleased updating to custom rosters.

But the internet said don't purchase it. Yet for 15 decades of no rivalry and fair incremental improvements, the game still sells, plus they make even more off MUT now than they do off of just selling the  cheap Madden nfl 21 coins sport. Much of the Madden audience are individuals who play sports games like it and NBA2k religiously. Just because people don't play the names r/games enjoys doesn't mean they are lesser.

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