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by on September 25, 2021

Madden 22 Tight End Ratings: It's finally that time of Mut 22 coins the year again: Madden Ratings Reveal Week. Which are the top-rated tight ends of this year's version of Madden NFL 22?

Although the general view of Madden has trended negatively the past few years, it does look like EA Sports is trying to alter that. When the cover first came out just a few months ago it was announced that they would be releasing a multitude of brand new features like "home field advantage".

EA tried to create something different with their cover. While it's easy to criticize any cover featuring Tom Brady, this year's cover is the first to feature two players for the first time since Madden 10.

Obviously, player ratings can change, and frequently do (for buy Madden 22 coins well-known players) fluctuate over the course a season. After the initial ratings come out at the beginning of the season they're adjusted in accordance to the player's actual performance until the Super Bowl is over.

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