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Marcos Patellisy
by on September 29, 2021

They expected great things from the launch of new world , but the reality has exceeded the most optimistic statistics. The beta had marked historical records both in terms of number of players and sales. A good omen that has been translated into a first magical day that developers will remember all their lives. Even with upward trend, the game far exceeds half a million simultaneous players and became temporarily placed in Steam s first place.

The historical figures of the launch of New World

View the situation, not even surprising that thousands of players have problems accessing the game during the first hours due to the total collapse of servers. After a waiting time and seeing how the number of players did not fail, when it comes to writing this news there is a total of 642,159 players connected simultaneously . A figure that puts it in the second place of the most played Steam and serves to be the best-selling title.

In the world of current video game, not everything is to sell, but New World also dominates in terms of passive entertainment . The game has been located in the first Twitch positions accumulating more than 800,000 spectators simultaneously. Spanish content creators such as knekro or elxokas join international giants shroud or fextralife catapultizing the game to media stardom and cimping an even greater success that is still to come.

Although it is still early to talk about the future of New World and there is a lot of content for enjoying over the next few months, the first impressions are being positive and it seems that very much are reasons to give you a vote of trust. At the moment you have to enjoy this version vanilla until future expansions and corrections are coming. An initiative that Amazon Games has already returned with the launch patch and will be key when it comes to determining its long-term success.

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