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by on October 5, 2021

Nintendo held its third Direct presentation for the year 2021 yesterday, providing fans with much-needed information on new and upcoming games for the Nintendo Switch console. Fortunately for Animal Crossing: New Horizons fans, Nintendo has finally confirmed that Brewster will be making a return in the game, and that he will be setting up shop in Blathers' Museum.

According to Nintendo, more information about the upcoming update to Animal Crossing: New Horizons will be revealed in a new Direct presentation scheduled for this coming October. However, while it is still unclear what else will be added to Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it is expected that the upcoming update will be substantial, particularly given the fact that the game will be receiving its own Direct presentation.

A More Effective Multiplayer Mechanic
Player-to-player interaction is one of the most enjoyable features included in Animal Crossing: New Horizons at launch, allowing players to visit each other's islands. Additionally, multiplayer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons allows players to start a roaring turnip trade and take advantage of higher bells animal crossing prices offered by Daisy Mae in order to make more money.

One of the most significant drawbacks of Animal Crossing: New Horizons' multiplayer component, on the other hand, is that it is not a completely seamless experience. Anyone entering or leaving the island is required to stop what they're doing and wait for the person who is entering or leaving the island. Players' islands should be visited and left in a more seamless manner in New Horizons, rather than forcing every player to wait for the other players.

Allowing players to travel to and explore cities is highly recommended.
The fact that the central premise of Animal Crossing: New Horizons places players in a village on a remote island lends itself to feelings of loneliness and isolation among players. However, while the mystery islands provide a welcome change from the usual surroundings in which players find themselves, it would be nice to have a permanent location that players could visit to explore and shop. Some characters from previous Animal Crossing games who are not present in New Horizons, such as Mayor Tortimer, Mr. Resetti, and Kapp'n, could also appear in the city.

The ability to explore cities is a significant update that Nintendo could implement in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Animal Crossing fans will be familiar with the fact that city exploration is a major feature in Animal Crossing: City Folk, allowing players to take a break from their quaint village and enjoy a night on the town. Animal Crossing: City Folk is available now for Nintendo Switch. In a similar vein, Nintendo could incorporate this feature into Animal Crossing: New Horizons, along with new shops and city activities for players to participate in and enjoy.

Happy Home Designer should be integrated.
The inclusion of a more in-depth house decorating mechanic similar to that found in Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer would be another prominent feature from a previous Animal Crossing game that Nintendo should consider incorporating into New Horizons. For those who are unfamiliar with the franchise, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a spin-off game that allows players to open a design shop and customize the homes of other villagers.

In light of the numerous customization and crafting options available in New Horizons, the inclusion of Happy Home Designer would be a welcome addition that would both improve the overall gameplay experience and introduce ACNH items for players to participate in. Additionally, the Happy Home Designer feature should be integrated into the Happy Home Academy mechanic, which ranks the player's design skills and rewards them if the player meets the standards set by the mechanic.

In the end, it remains to be seen what Animal Crossing: New Horizons will be like after the upcoming update is released. It's likely that the upcoming update will be significant, given that Nintendo is making the effort to host a separate Direct presentation for New Horizons in October. Of course, the return of Brewster in New Horizons could only be the beginning of a series of content updates for the game, especially given the fact that it has been nearly two years since its release and many players are likely to be running out of things to do in the game.

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