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by on October 9, 2021

It isn't enough to kill one monster in order to increase your attack RS gold level, but you kill hundreds and maybe thousands to level up. Although you could kill every kind of monster, it would not be very effective. The same is true for any other skill. It doesn't matter whether you are creating runes, cutting trees or mining ores. When you train in RuneScape it's not your intelligence or skills in real life that matter. It's all about the length of time you're able to complete a given task. This is the main thread that all skills share and the potential benefits of a new ability.

This brings me to something that I said a while back when Bachelor Fridge was out. Jagex was too obsessed with strategy games, which I was able to share with my buddies. FunOrb has many new games that focus on strategy. Jagex has made this a part of his life for many years.

I'm not saying that the new skill will be called Strategy or anything like that. I won't even try to figure out what the name of the new skill could be. There could be some kind of strategy behind this particular skill. It is no longer true that RuneScape is just a matter of pressing and repeating. Strategy will be a skill by itself, but can also affect all other skills.

Let me show you how it could work. Since the new skill can benefit all skills, there will either be a part of every skill you currently have that has a strategy option or you will be able to learn how make and use new tools. You could utilize the Strategy On/Off button to switch between strategy modes, as in the case of cooking or mining.

The strategy mode will allow you to develop the ability and could increase the frequency of your product. This could be because you'll have access to recipes and recipes that require a different method to prepare or cook.

So how could the new skill avoid repetition? You would think that once they had the hang of it, people could enter an euphoria state in which they can keep learning the skill without thinking. It is important to recognize that the process of determining a strategy will be complicated. There are a lot of variables involved: timing, randomness and situations. Like minigames like Barbarian Assault and Burgh de Rott Ramble, players must adjust to the situation.

While it's still a guess, I'm certain that it is more likely than other possibilities. I've never seen anyone else guess anything that is logical, therefore I'll stick with my'strategy' skill. Although I don't like strategy, it is something that I enjoy.

In late January of this year Jagex Publishing and a partner company, UltiZen have released one of their newest games - War of Legends. It's a strategy game in real-time that utilizes graphics and features a unique  buy RuneScape gold gameplay. There are cities, alliances, wars and exploration. What did Jagex players think?


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