by on March 27, 2021
  Central to the fluctuations on deck is a reworking of  Mut 21 coins the game's player-trading logic, and the total player valuation that behaviour rests on. The changes EA Tiburon's designers explained in a blog post on Wednesday are meant to make trades for superstars"nearer to what we've seen [in real life] based on changing perceptions of'realistic' transactions over the years." This means fixing inconsistencies and problems in which highly rated players were strangely less valued by ...
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by on December 2, 2020
  Wait, why not? If a buddy of  Mut 21 coins mine hurt me and then made an attempt to be nice I would absolutely need to tell them I appreciate their efforts. Positive reinforcement is a great thing. It assists humans behave better, who's to say it can not create a company act better also? It is worth rewarding them for it just like it's worth rewarding a problem child for doing their best for a day. EA (and people in general) shouldn't encourage black people for any reason beyond the fact th...
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