by on February 21, 2024
Lifeasible, a plant biotechnology company that offers efficient and reliable seed testing services with expanding capacities, now provides seed vigor testing service to meet the diverse requirements of its customers.   Seed vigor is the sum of all essential properties that determine the potential for rapid, uniform germination as well as the ability to develop into normal seedlings under a wide range of growth conditions. The goal of seed vigor testing is to evaluate the seed's performance...
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by on March 17, 2023
A new study by researchers at the Karolinska Institutet suggests that aryl hydrocarbon receptors (AhR) in intestinal epithelial cells sense nanomaterial graphene oxide and activate specific immune cells called innate lymphoid cells.   From electronic products to biomolecular sensors, nanomaterial graphene oxide can indirectly affect the immune system through the gut microbiota, as confirmed in a new study of zebrafish by researchers at the Karolinska Institutet. The findings were published...
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