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Education is the most precious and important industry for the coming and existing generation. Although there are several high-quality educational institutions in the society, their charges are also quite high and almost impossible to pay for a normal middle-class society. Whereas, those who are charging comparatively less, are giving such a bad quality of education that students have to seek help from Gulf assignment writing services UAE or pay a high amount to get their desire assignments and papers. This whole cycle of carelessness is leading our generation towards the worst. They're not fascinated with learning because of the poor teaching skills and less cooperative environment of our education. I think it's high time to focus on this very basic but most crucial sector of the world. Otherwise, we as a generation will fall badly due to the less amount of literature and knowledge.

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Hanah Ismail

You are right about education because these days people are less aware of the importance of education. Most educated people hire a LinkedIn profile writer of CV Dubai for having a LinkedIn profile. The LinkedIn profile helps them to have a job according to their knowledge and skills.

Last update on June 2, 7:34 pm by Hanah Ismail.
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