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Bellsouth Email Server Settings for Outlook. General Email Settings. The email address you need to set up. The secret key related with your email account. Approaching Mail Server Settings. These settings are for sending email to your email supplier's mail server. Active Mail Server Settings (SMTP) these settings are for sending email to your email supplier's mail server. Active mail server name. Select your Internet administration from the left board, then, at that point, click Go to Internet outline. Look to the Manage Bell email segment, then, at that point, click Manage your Bell email. Snap Create another email. Enter your first name. Enter your last name. Select the ideal language. Enter your ideal Bell email address. Enter a secret word for your Bell email account. Setting up Outlook Open your Outlook program and afterward click "Apparatuses" from the menu bar. In case this is whenever you've first utilized Outlook, it will probably request that you "Add a record.” Select "Records" towards the lower part of the Tools drop down menu. This permits you to sign in to your email account, setting it up for Outlook.

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