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We are also pleased to present to you, through the Modern Preparation Foundation, some of the contents of the PowerPoint presentations, a computer subject for the class.

I want you to know

Networking concept

The concept of the World Wide Web (Internet)

Ways to connect to the World Wide Web (Internet)

network definition

It is the connection of two or more devices with each other to exchange data and benefit from resources.

The uses of the network were limited to specialized individuals who have special powers to serve the field of work, such as the military sectors and some other government sectors, and with the development of technology and consequently the decrease in the prices of this technology, the use of networks to search for and exchange information became accessible to everyone, and the largest global network appeared, which is known as the World Wide Web. (WORLD WIDE WEB) and it is called (the Internet), which can be defined as follows:


It is a global system consisting of interconnected computer networks to serve millions of users around the world

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Communication ways

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The Internet is connected in one of two ways:

Wired connection: This uses cables to provide a wired connection to the Internet through the network port on the computer, depending on the phone line.

Wireless connection: This uses Wi-Fi technology to provide wireless communication, and it uses radio waves to exchange information through computer networks.

The icon for wireless communication indicates the strength of the transmitter through the colors of the outgoing waves that appear in the image, where the gray color expresses the weakness of the signal, while all waves become colored to indicate the strength of the transmitter.

The wired connection is faster and stronger than the wireless connection usually, as the wireless connection depends on the strength of the broadcast, and therefore its speed, on its distance from the access point of the network. It is possible to access the Internet using the mobile phone, and this is different from using the network to make a phone call.


First exercise:

Reasons for the interruption of mobile transmission when you pass under the tunnel by car?

This is because there are no wireless signal booster towers inside this tunnel and outside the towers' coverage range.

The second exercise:

Give an example of an organization that uses computer networks at work and is not mentioned in the lesson.

Hotels, schools, hospitals and government agencies

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 The third grade computer subject objective is to introduce students to word processing, spreadsheet and database software. The student will learn how to save a document on a floppy disk. He or she will also learn how to create and save documents in Microsoft Word format. Here you can check https://masterbundles.com/templates/presentations/powerpoint/brand/ and gain things to manage their ms word. Masterbundle is by far the most comprehensive bundle of all Microsoft products on the market today. Student will create simple Excel spreadsheets and use them in class projects, homework assignments and during lessons.

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PowerPoint presentations for the third-grade computer subject are designed to help you maximize your instructional time, improve student retention and retention rates and decrease the cost of administration. Need to check this https://www.mindk.com/blog/web-application-development-cost/ and get more helpful skills about mobile apps. Since classroom computers offer so many advantages, it is especially important that teachers understand which programs are best suited for their students.

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