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Sometimes, Users are unable to access the facebook acount because of the login credentials or application issues. if you are also unable to access the facebook account. you need to follow the instructions given below. 

  1. First of all, you need to check the username and password. You need to check the username and password.  Also, if you are not sure about it, you can reset the password. 
  2. Now check that the internet is working fine on your device, and your device is not blocking the facebook url. if so, you need to check the antivirus and malware settings. 
  3. Let's delete the browser from your computer and then re-add the mail application. now try to access the mail account using the correct settings.
  4. Let's delete the facebook account from your phone and then re-add the mail application. if that does not work, you need to install a new application on your computer. 

So these are the steps to fix the facebook login problems. in cas,e if you need more help. you need to visit: why Can't I access the facebook account on my android phone. or how to copy and paste on facebook on computer? 

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