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Russia erasing history in Ukraine's 'dead city'



"Max speed!" The instruction comes via walkie-talkie from the armoured police car in front, as we hurtle past the burnt-out carcass of a Ukrainian military truck. There's a high risk of Russian attack on this stretch of road, but it's the safest route left into the beleaguered city of Lysychansk.

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War's dark horizon is ahead of us - black smoke billows from the latest Russian strike. The eastern city - once home to around 100,000 people - is under sustained attack. Ukraine's President, Volodymyr Zelensky, has already pronounced it "dead", along with neighbouring Severodonetsk.

During our visit the thud of incoming artillery is met by the whoosh of outgoing grad rockets. "It's a duel," says the regional police chief, Oleh Hryhorov, succinctly. If so, it's one Ukraine looks set to lose. And soon.

As the Russians close in, some are still trying to get out using evacuations organised by the police. About half a dozen civilians are rushing to board an armoured truck, among them a young boy in a blue peaked cap. At the sound of another shell, they scatter and duck for cover. We learn later that a woman was killed nearby. She dared to leave her apartment but made it only as far as the front garden.

Life and death are separated here by slim margins.

We meet an elderly woman wandering in the street - clearly shell shocked - clutching a small religious icon. She was near the scene of a strike that set a house alight.

"In Lysychansk, if you are alive, it is a good day," says the police chief, who oversees the Luhansk region that covers half the Donbas and is now almost entirely in Russian hands.

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