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Donna Jones
by on October 20, 2021

Cyber ​​Attacks Have Become More Dangerous Than Ever Before. Cybercrimes have been increasing for years and shows no signs of slowing down. To make it worse, the arrival of the COVID19 pandemic in 2020 has just fueled the situation. Since 2019, the number of ransomware has increased by 62% globally. This number is expected to increase further as threats become more sophisticated and harder to detect. This year, the nature of the attacks has shifted away from theft to become more dangerous than ever.

Some High Profile Cyber Attacks in 2021 :

i) Accellion Supply Chain Attack

ii) Attack on the University of the Highlands and Islands

iii) Acer Ransomware Attack

iv) Bombardier Data Breach

v) Microsoft Exchange Server Attack

vi) CNA Insurance Attack

Posted in: Society, Technology
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