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by on January 5, 2021


It not quite mainstream  Animal Crossing Nook Miles Ticket yet, most average people have no idea this is happening, but that's the issue: it's definitely happening and ignoring it and stating"it's merely twitter" is only going to allow it to grow longer and more until it does become mainstream. By then it is going to be impossible to slow down it because any sort of argument against it's going to be met with accusations of racism/sexism/whatever because that's the whole point of identity politics.

Safe spaces are the dumbest fucking shit on the planet, are you such a little bitch that can not handle having a grownup that you will need everything you do not like to be forced from a place for youpersonally? Grow up.

I do remember the nightly series in 2016 that had a correspondent I totally loathed. All sorts of smug. I remember that there was a section about attempting to create black only dorms or apartments and the host pointed out just how racist that was (they were both black) and how something like this was blatantly illegal.

She said she believed black people with bad experiences ought to have a place where they could feel safe. That perhaps they had bad encounters with white folks and did not need to live together. We are fine and when they depart we can only talk between ourselves and deny them their program" and I remember the men reply"No!

"Certainly not" might be a bit too strong when it comes to Twitter. We know it's rife with trolls and bots pretending to be others to stir up controversies. I'm not saying they're all  Buy Nook Miles Ticket trolls but I think that it's entirely possible that there are a number of bad actors mixed in.


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