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by on November 18, 2021

This is one of the scenarios that you may encounter. Aren't you annoyed when you buy  RuneScape gold only one thing and when you get it out of the G.E. It is tiny notes. Personally, I find it irritating. Of course, a lot of you will say: "Well, just bank it , it's not a big deal ,don't be such a baby!" Sure... You are able to do this. However, if you are buying a single item (I.E. You don't have to put it in the bank the item if you just buy one (I.E.

The recommendation is: If you have enough inventory space (Say that you have seven empty slots in your inventory) and you bought a dds, then it will be released as an item. If you've got enough inventory space, then it will be released as an item.

If not, it's best to release it as notes. Of course, if you buy 200 lobsters, it will come out as a note (duh), but If you only need four, and you already have four slots in your inventory, why would you need to re-bank it?

The solution to this rather irritating issue IMO is simple. This isn't a huge change or anything, just an easy fix to the most minor inconvenience... This is the year for fixing the little things, lets start by addressing this... Have questions? Comment? Comments? Want to make me look like an idiot? Any constructive criticism is welcomed!

This thread is intended to you, those who are interested (cool entry right?). Introduction! Have you observed that Runescape is never sunny? Does it get cloudy? is it rainy at all times? Are there clouds? Wouldn't you like to think that  buy OSRS GP there could be other weather forecasts besides sun? You mean, how can the plants survive without water?


Posted in: Entertainment
Topics: runescape gold
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