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by on November 30, 2021

Now that summer is coming, we are all thinking about vacations, right? In this summer period there are more trips on the road, and unfortunately, the rate of traffic accidents also increases.

Today we give you some tips to follow if you are the victim of a car accident . We help you solve doubts such as: how long do I have to claim compensation for a traffic accident? Or what steps to follow if you are the victim of a collision between vehicles? , for instance.

To begin with, you have to know that not all types of accidents are the same. Some car collisions happen unintentionally and others are influenced by other factors. If you are the victim of a road accident, you are entitled to compensation for the damages suffered. They can be physical, material or personal damages:

Claims for personal injury

Claims for material damage

Disability benefits

Absolute disability

Great disability

Total disability

Partial disability

Compensation for death

Compensation for sequelae

There are two ways to claim compensation in a traffic accident: out-of-court and judicial.

If the insurer is more than 3 months late in paying the compensation, the debt generates special interest that they must pay you.

Normally, insurers are in charge of processing compensation between their lawyers. However, if you consider that the insurance company has not adequately assessed your injuries (the other party has the same insurer), you can always hire a lawyer specializing in traffic accidents. Divorce Lawyer in Bangladesh

Extrajudicial way

The insurance company of the person with whom you had the accident and your lawyer negotiate the amount of compensation through an agreement, without going to trial.

Judicial way

The person affected by the traffic accident can resort to the courts to claim compensation when the accident constitutes a crime (fatalities, for example) or when they disagree with the amount offered by the insurance company for their personal injuries .

When the Courts consider that there is a crime, it is necessary to file a complaint. After the criminal process, the compensation to be received by the accident victim based on the damages will be set at the trial.

Disagreement with the amount offered by the insurer. The lawyer of the affected person must file a claim for amounts before the civil courts with the amount that the victim and his lawyer deem appropriate.

 Who can claim in a traffic accident?

All people who are harmed by a traffic accident can claim compensation , regardless of the type of accident:

Car drivers

Vehicle occupants

The occupants of the vehicle at fault for the accident

The pedestrians


Public transport users

The cyclists

There are certain deadlines to request compensation for a traffic accident

From the moment the accident arises, you will have 7 days to claim the insurance company.

If the claim is going to be through the courts, in the case of crime, the period is 6 months to file a complaint with the Police or the Investigating Courts of the place where the accident occurred.

By judicial means and without an indemnity agreement with the insurer. You have one year to file a claim for damages . This period begins from the moment the affected person has exact knowledge of the extent of their personal damages (physical, material and personal), according to the courts.

What to do after suffering a traffic accident will always depend on each individual case. There are claims in which not many are involved and others are more complicated.

Posted in: Business
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