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by on December 9, 2021

Black Knights' Fortress is an adventure for  OSRS gold novices that does not have prerequisites for skill levels. Here's an Black Knights Fortress OSRS quick guide that includes a thorough walkthrough.

The requirements of Black Knights Fortress OSRS

Below Are what are the Needs of the Black Knights Fortress quest:

12 Quest points

The ability to avoid the level 33 Dark Knights

1. Talk to Sir Amik Varze.

2. Create the iron body as well as a bronze med the helm. The bronze med-helm can be purchased from Peksa in Barbarian Village, and also the iron chain body can be purchased at Wayne's Chains in Falador.

3. Go to Black Knights' Fortress. Take the iron-chain body as well as bronze med-helm, and get into the fortress through the robust doors.

4. Pull the wall to the front, and then climb up the ladder.

5. The ladder can be climbed towards the south. Enter a doorway that leads towards the east. After that, climb the ladder.

6. After the conversation, go back to the entry by following exactly the same method.

7. Enter through the east door.

8. Go north, and climb up the ladder. Run east, then south.

9. The wall should be pushed and you can watch an entire. Put a cabbage in the hole. The cabbage is available by visiting Edgeville Monastery, or in the patch of cabbage located on the farm to the to the south of Falador.

10. Quest is complete!

We hope the information in our Black Knights Fortress OSRS fast guide can assist you with this task. If you are looking for a cheap RuneScape gold purchases, go to our website and enjoy our fast service.

Posted in: Entertainment
Topics: osrs gold
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