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by on December 10, 2021

Madden 22 Week 2's roster update went out on September 19th, Friday, 2021. Therefore, it's safe to suppose that the next Madden 22 roster update to come out this coming Friday on September 26, 2021. But, Madden 22 roster updates are usually released in the middle of the week, right before the Thursday kickoff. In fact, the Madden 22 53-man roster update rolled out just at the right time to Mut 22 coins play the first game of the season. We're halfway through this week, and if the updates to the roster are scheduled to drop around mid-week, it's likely to come in within the next few days. The update for Week 2 could be a case of a special circumstance, since there was no need to get a new roster update as soon as it did after the 53-man roster update. But this time around, EA might go ahead and resume the mid-week updates. We'll notify you as soon as we get confirmation.

Madden 22 Week 3 Roster updates Release Date

It's easy to update your rosters to make these modifications. Follow our Madden 22 guide to learn how to update Madden 22 rosters. It's so simple, you can complete the task within a matter of minutes. Make sure you are connected to the internet before making the move, since it requires a connection to EA's servers.

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