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Sanjeet Diwan
by on January 23, 2022

How do you know if you’re depressed? Depression manifests itself in many different ways in its victims, so it can be difficult to identify without professional assistance. Here are some of the most common symptoms of depression that might help you figure out whether or not you’re suffering from this devastating illness.

Low self-esteem

If you’re feeling down about yourself, or have feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, you may be suffering from depression. If your low self-esteem extends to other areas of your life, such as work and family, it can be a sign that things need to change. Luckily, many symptoms of depression can be successfully treated at a psychiatry clinic in Bhopal with both prescription medication and psychotherapy.

Feeling Hopeless or Helpless

Being depressed doesn’t necessarily mean feeling sad all of the time, but it does involve persistent feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. These feelings are often so powerful that they make it difficult to participate in everyday activities. They may also make it hard to concentrate or perform well at work or school. Feeling constantly discouraged is another one of depression’s defining characteristics.

Loss of interest in hobbies, work, or other activities

The first symptom of depression is usually a loss of interest in hobbies, work, or other activities. If you’re someone who has always been interested in these activities but are no longer, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Likewise, if you’re interested in new activities but can’t get yourself to do them or feel unmotivated to try anything new, it could also be a sign that something isn’t right with your mental health.

Sleep disturbances (too much or too little)

Aside from all of its other benefits, sleep is absolutely essential for maintaining a healthy mood. If you’re experiencing drastic changes in your sleep patterns (sleeping too much or too little), it could be a sign that you’re depressed. Make sure to schedule time for adequate rest and relaxation each day—and talk to a psychiatric doctor in Bhopal if changes persist.

Loneliness and feeling isolated

Do you often feel lonely or isolated, even when you’re surrounded by friends and family? This can be a common symptom of depression. Feeling disconnected from your own emotions and not really experiencing your feelings is known as anhedonia and is another key sign of depression. If you recognize these feelings in yourself, talk to a doctor about how to get help. The sooner you opt for depression treatment in Bhopal, the easier it will be to overcome.

Posted in: Health
Topics: depression
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