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by on January 27, 2022

I must admit the victory felt a bit hollow because  mut coins my opponent's resentment ultimately handed me the win. If he'd have played less than he did, I believe I'd say he'd been a better player, and would beat me. Also, we had teams that were evenly matched with the top-level Ultimate Team players basically rely upon the advantages of certain cards.

And while I have a very good team but I don't have a greatest team. It's not like I'm a wuss about pay-to win but the reality is that you could give the majority of Madden football players a squad of 80 total players and they'd beat my team of 90s.

One thing I'll admit is that I did not always enjoy my experience playing online. In those early days, when I was losing at a high rate, I faced some toxicity. Although I'm not a pro at playing and don't dislike losing but I had to contend with a lot members who ridicule me and insult me, even though they were effectively guaranteed a victory. It would have been nice to face some players who could have given me some suggestions but that didn't happen.

I'd like to also suggest that, in spite of the fact that it's true that the Seasons mode is supposed to allow you to compete against players who are at the same skill level, with all the lessons I've learned I'm certainly not enough to compete with even the lowest class of players playing online. I refuse to believe that I'm the most inept Madden NFL 21 players out there, and it strikes me that the players on similar levels to I am (and there's bound to be many more - aren't deciding to play online.

That's really unfortunate because If the people were nicer and the game had the ability to connect me with more players of a similar skill level, I'd likely play multiplayer more. There's still lots for me to discover about American football and I really enjoy playing the game so I'm going to continue watching it live as well as playing games like Madden NFL 21 to try to deepen my understanding so that I can apply lessons I've picked up over the last couple of weeks and apply it to  cheap Madden 22 coins improve my skills. When playing online, however I'm sure I'll be retiring at 1-16.

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