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by on February 23, 2022

The other issue is that PvP is pretty much dead apart from warbands. because of  OSRS gold the new mechanics at warbands, there's very little advantage to having a low level of combat in the present.

If I train up my combatskills, I'll be able gain access to higher Slayer masters. This will speed the process of achieving my goal. It was extremely difficult to achieve an 89 slayer and still not being capable of Smoking Kills until 90 combat. Not being able to use Kuradel as well as the Iowerth master of slayers is likely to be similar to being frustrated, but on the other hand it would be an interesting achievement to reach 99 slayers, without ever being able use the masters that are better than Sumona.

Leo as well as I very knowledgeable about warbands but from completely different angles. My specialization is in the game mechanics and metagame of warbands, while Leo is an expert on PVP strategies and warring politics. Based on my knowledge of the current political climate of the two main factions: WBG which is focused on looting, and PKS that focuses on the practice of pking. There are also smaller groups, independent of each other like Shailay, Judgment, and Almost Lost.

When choosing a team for war, you should consider their gear requirements, pking skills requirements as well as the amount of active players in a given time, their plan of action when faced with an attack (i.e. either fight or lay down), allied teams, and effectiveness at warring. The FCs typically have forums explaining all this. Leo is more knowledgeable than I about this information.

Which aspect of warbands do you most interested in? The either the pvp or xp? This is something I would like to know before proceeding further. I'd suggest joining a team within WBG. If you're confident that you'll be able to commit time to get an ongoing spot in a Fc, consider applying on some of the topics in the official forums, or  buy OSRS GP look into using the Warband Tracker website (google it).

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