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by on March 1, 2022


Trade merchants are temporary retailers who offer exclusive products. They can convert seals obtained from station missions and  Lost Ark Gold transform them into unique materials craft recipes, collectible items as well as new crew members to your ship. Vendors rotate in and from your strengthhold. Therefore, be certain to visit your stronghold each day to check what's in stock.

Resource Farm. When you've completed the "A verdant land" Stronghold Quest, players will unlock a portal leading to an entirely resource-focused farm in your stronghold. This island will provide material for trading skills for you to harvest daily, but there's a caveat you aren't able to trade or sell any of the resources you've gathered from this farm. You are only able to use them for crafting. It also has unique resources to create chest bundles in your workshop. Items you craft with these materials can be traded with other players.

Feasts. As soon as your stronghold attains 10 levels, you'll gain access to the feast menu. Foods let you craft powerful consumable items that provide 2 hours of boosts for yourself and any other members of your stronghold. These buffs are quite powerful, stack together with other consumables, and are able to be used even after death.

Special Station Missions. The achievement of level 50 and the completion of the complete the quest "Ealyn's Request" located in northern Vern unlocks Chaos Dungeons and, by extension the special missions you can undertake for your station. Special missions are similar to regular station missions but they also grant endgame loot and replace the traditional activities that end the game.

For example, a Chaos Dungeon special mission will provide Chaos Dungeon loot when completed in conjunction with the normal station mission rewards. They count toward the daily limits for  lost ark buy gold your endgame (Chaos Dungeon resonance, Guardian Raid soul extractions, et cetera). details on this specific mechanic.


Posted in: Entertainment
Topics: lost ark gold
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