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by on March 7, 2022

Participating in MyCareer games is a typical way to  Buy MT 2K22 earn badges for 2K22, but the practice Facility is an additional option that will help those who wish to obtain their badges as swiftly as possible. This is why here's a detailed guide on how to use your practice Facility to increase your badge points earning potential.

When you first sign up for MyCareer You will notice training sessions appearing in your calendar. At this point, the choices are limited as there is no way to choose which type of drill that you'd like to complete. Fundamentally, all drills used in the practice sessions are assigned to you by the coach and a majority of them aren't the most efficient or efficient ways to earn badge points.

So, certain players might decide to avoid these initial sessions to focus on earning more VC through MyCareer games instead. However, it's recommended that you do not skip any drills in your practice as certain drills offered by coaches offer a 2x and 3x multiplier in badge points so they are a good idea to take advantage of them.

The world of the Practice Facility begins to open to you once you have the possibility of choosing your own exercises. It usually happens after you've played 10 MyCareer games without simulating. This is an essential process that you shouldn't miss, particularly in the beginning in MyCareer because it will help you to unlock badges as quickly as possible.

Once drills are unlocked  can i buy mt in 2k22 once they are unlocked, you can choose from a set of drills that will give you the greatest opportunity to rack up badge upgrade points quickly. In the NBA 2K22 Practice Facility there are a variety of drills to choose from. Not all drills are created equal, and some are more difficult than others. Here's a list of the most simple drills you can use within the MyCareer Practice Facility.

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