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by on March 16, 2022

The majority of new bosses do not have time sinks that  RuneScape Gold are arbitrary before you are able to fight the boss. For DKs you must get to the island, require either a companion or a pet rock and axe that is rune-thrown and then go across the tunnel hours. For GWD you must get there, have your stats depleted (the fire is relatively new) and you'll need to count your kills (eccu keys were not available) and so on. So , perhaps the kill times for each KC were less, but you can include the preparation for these fights.

To play Kraken, Zulrah, CG You'll get greater of the "good part" that actually does the boss/content , and less of the initial "boring portion".

This is an excellent idea. Personally, I don't like long trips to distant bosses, particularly DKs and nightmares. However I think that dropping rates that are more recent take a lot longer than the locations of older bosses. I'm not trying to totally discredit your argument however There is certainly something about long trips that act as a deterrent for farmers the boss.

It has me thinking that maybe these long travel hours are an old-fashioned spirit. I love what I consider to be the "good part" equally as everybody else, however I'm still bored with a boss when I'm on long dry streaks.

As someone who's got 525kc in nightmare (probably 200 for 5 men and at least 20 in a solo) and one jar of hopes to prove it, I am completely in agreement, the tiny quest requirements for older bosses are nothing compared to the days of playing without drops. I've probably spent between 80 and 100m on materials playing nightmare, and my most expensive drop was around the sum of 450k.

I own an end game iron, and have a good understanding of other irons for ends I'll declare that nothing has caused people to demonize, made people quit, or caused people to dislike the game as much or the nex. The bosses are easy boring and simple however they have drop rates that you'd expect from intense, engaging content such as cox and tob. Or, Jagex has totally lost its sense of humor or they've decided that their primary demographic should be Venezuelan gold-miners.

Corp isn't the only thing that's bad however, it doesn't feel less bad since the drops aren't as important. The boss has no supplies, and the employees are extremely comfortable. It's possible to do 12-15 corp kills at night as you relax, eat or watching a film. Nex and nightmare require just as hard as actual endgame content, however, they're super quick and simple kills, so they'll get worn out faster. I'd be willing to sacrifice anything in the game even if gold rs it meant that Nex didn't come out.

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