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by on June 30, 2021

Night Elf employees, called Wisps, want to Entangle a Gold Mine to WOW TBC Gold gather from it, which takes 60 seconds. Once assembled, Wisps can be'loaded' into the mine, amassing gold without having to move. Being the environmental sort, they also don't destroy trees while gathering lumber, similar to the other factions. Pop a wisp on a tree, and it'll float around collecting lumber for the rest of the game.

The Undead have a particular gold structure -- a Haunted Gold Mine. Like Night Elf Wisps, Undead Acolytes remain on the mine and collect mechanically. At 100 seconds, construction one is slower compared to the Entangled Gold Mine, however, Undead Acolytes do not have to stick around in one spot to construct, instead summoning a portal that attracts their structures into existence. When the portal is summoned, they're free to start other jobs.

Undead also differ in the other factions in that they need to utilize their simplest combat unit -- Ghouls -- to collect lumber. The trade-off is that Ghouls collect 20 timber per delivery instead of the Human and Orc's 10, and the Night Elves' 5. They're also much more defensible, if your opponent target your employees.

Night Elf or Undead players will find their starting mine prepared to use, won't need to be worried about Haunting or Entangling immediately away, before,the first Gold Mine collapses. That's right, Gold Mines do not last forever, so you're going to be seeking to expand rapidly into the ancient mid-game. Find another gold mine and begin planning to clear the region and expand to a second base. You also need to buy WOW Classic TBC Gold keep an eye for your competitor's expansions. If you've got two gold mines, and they've only got one, you're likely to be at a serious benefit.

Posted in: Shopping
Topics: wow tbc gold
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