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by on May 16, 2022

White experienced a solid rookie season, but in  Madden 22 coins his sophomore effort, he totally made an impact on the field. His total of 140 tackleswhich was the third highest number of individual tackles -- placed White in a good position near the top of the league. White also hit just shy of double-digit sacks , with nine. If that weren't sufficient, White did put in a solid performance in the Super Bowl that managed to procure him a new piece of jewelry.

Justin Herbert 78 to 85

There are few rookie seasons quite as spectacular such as that of Justin Herbert. In many aspects, there's nothing like it. His 31 touchdowns on the season broke the record that was previously held by Baker Mayfield, and his 4336 yards in the passing game fell 38 yards short of the record held by Andrew Luck. Although Herbert likely would have been able to surpass this record had Tyrod Taylor had not started the season.

However, his incredible performance was somewhat eclipsed  buy mut coins by the San Diego Chargers' losing record. Yet, Madden nfl 23 rates players according to their individual skills, and it's very hard to argue that Herbert should be placed at the bottom of the league's top quarterbacks in ratings after an extraordinary first season. To give you an example, Mayfield, who achieved similar rookie success, entered the following season's game around 83.


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