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yicheng toasterbag
by on August 2, 2021

The Toast Bag Dishwasher-safe is an essential accessory for the best grilling experience. It provides a wide range of crystal-clear benefits that few alternatives can compare.

Tips on How to Select BBQ Grill Mat & Grill Mat

There are some general rules when it comes to selecting the best BBQ grill mat. You should consider the three aspects as they assure you about the quality, durability, and ease of use. By having the ideal amount of thickness, size and level of non-stick, the mat provides you with easy cooking and cleaning.

The Thickness

A thick grill mat does not necessarily mean a high-quality mat. In fact, having a too-thick of a mat can delay the cooking process since the heat takes a higher amount of time to reach the food. According to the professional chefs and cooking experts, the ideal thickness of the grill mat is somewhere between 0.2mm to 0.3mm

The Size

You should also consider the size of the BBQ grill mat. Since it is a thin layer of black metal, you can cut the metal with scissors further according to your needs. Even though it bears the ‘grill’ name, you can use it for other types of cooking surfaces. For example, you can use it on stove tops, pans, and ovens. Besides grilling meat on the grill, you can use it as a liner for cookies, fish or veggies.

Take good care of your BBQ grill mat

Similar to any of your expensive items in the kitchen, BBQ mats also need to be taken cared of. When using them, you need to keep the heat on low or medium. Grill mats can safely be used from 290F up to 500F. So don’t expose yours to temperatures above 500F, especially when you use them for more than 30 minutes. In case you just use a BBQ mat for a short time, a maximum of 290F is good. If you keep using your grill mat at high temperatures, it will begin to break down and contaminate the air and your food.

Grill Shape

If you have a circular grill, it is best to buy a circular grill mat because, unless you’re skilled at it, cutting a perfect circle isn’t as easy as it looks.

Mat Surface Type

Grill mats can differ in surface smoothness. Some are slicker when others have coarser surfaces. Mats with a slicker surface generally use more PTFE for coating.

Grill mats are great BBQ tools. They retain the moisture in your food, cook it more evenly, and even allow you to make breakfast on your grill! Grilled hash browns, eggs, and bacon. Choose the right BBQ Grill mat is important, here I recommend you Tongxiang Yicheng BBQ Grill mat and Mesh Basket manufacturer, you can visit https://www.txyicheng.com/product/mesh-basket/ to learn more information. Best of luck, and happy grilling!

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