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by on August 5, 2021

Additional quirks: I've had the game play randomly through the aion classic kinah buying blackscreen until it gets to the Aion splash. After that, it's working right, going to the login screen, and the game works perfectly. This is not a feasible option.

Hi, I'm having the same issue. After doing some research I decided to remove the config.ini in your Aion/bin64, folder. It didn't fix the issue. I then changed the name of the aion.bin within the bin32 folder, to one that was different, since it proved that, for whatever reason, the launcher was trying to launch the 32 bit version instead of 64bit which did not run at all , and would give me the exact black screen immediately after the initial logo.

Even though you could have changed the name the file before, it did not work. It was not clear the name you wanted to change. ) There could be an additional issue that I'm not certain about. But it did fix it for me.

I'm playing from the Netherlands I'm able to get around 100 ping with exitlag. It's quite enjoyable and I'm competitive. Don't be concerned about it unless you are planning to play all day long. If that's the case, you won't compete with top1%.

This was also a wonderful instance of community engagement. 105k AION utilized for the prize pool was provided through the Treasury. Following the announcement of miner staker, and longtime member SavageMine's death the community agreed to donate 25% of the prize pool to SavageMine's family (plus 20k AION in a direct donation) to aid them during the difficult times.

Although I can be described as snowflake, I find open-world pvp to be a lot more challenging than when I first began playing it 10 years ago. I think the reason is that since then I've played so many competitive esports titles where the level of play and pure skill dictate the winner. Whereas, I used to simply say, well just gotta get your licks on and get over it. I'd also like to mention that I love the  buy aion classic kinah Aion pvp. I also was a fan of higher level pvp, like Tiamaranta's eyes or organized pvp like the coliseum. Everyone's much more alike and the game is more competitive.


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