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by on July 12, 2022

So, what should you invest in the launch of WotLK Classic? Like TBC, a new class will be added to the game, Inscription. Many people will want to upgrade to this new career because of the great opportunity to make money. Assuming Blizzard allows players to level up 2 weeks before launch, like jewelry making, we should really start buying everything including wotlk gold we need to level it up. Here is a list of low level herbs I currently buy as long as they are below 1 gold per tier:

ancient lichen
ice cap
Tears of Alsace
sun grass
back leaves
Khadgar's Beard
winter bite
tomb moss
King's blood
root of life
wild steel flower
Peaceful bloom
silver leaf
ground root
This is probably the largest part of my investment. However, if you're on a heavily populated server, there's probably more you can do. For example, there's an achievement in the film called Crazy, which requires something that's actually crazy. I'll have a separate guide when it becomes relevant. Some of the items you can invest in for this achievement:

Tome of Swiftness (<5g)
Codex of Protection (<5g)
Deed of Concentration (<5g)
Raw Black Diamond (<2g)
Level 60 Epic Deck (50-100g)
Of course, as people start leveling up their twins and their classes, the materials to upgrade all other classes also increase in price. It's a bit unpredictable, though, and I wouldn't recommend buying either of them. Just start your career early and you won't have to deal with higher prices later.

Posted in: Entertainment
Topics: wotlk classic
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