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Zoe Young
by on August 18, 2021

Many times we turn to extensions as a solution to a quick change of look, a bad haircut, because we lack volume in our hair, or for many more reasons. But, what if what we want to achieve is an instant and temporary look change?

For these cases, we always recommend removable extensions. They are easy and quick to place on our hair, and we will achieve the effects we want.


Special events: We have a wedding, baptism or communion, and we want to get a much more voluptuous updo. We just have to comb our hair, and comb the removable extensions. Once positioned in our hair (see step by step), we can collect the hair with hairpins as if it were our own hair from wholesale hair factory in China. In addition, you can choose a lighter tone, or a fantasy color, to give a different touch to the look.

I don't want fixed extensions: Another solution for girls who don't like fixed extensions in their hair, and want to get length and volume. Wash and style your hair normally, then apply the removable extensions. Always perfect and ready for your day to day.

Change of look without going to the hairdresser in curlyme hair: You don't have time to go to the hairdresser, and you want to look different. In addition to detachable extensions, you can opt for detachable bangs. If you have always wanted to cut your bangs but have never dared, this is your solution. Do you want to see how it gets? See our step by step!

Posted in: Entertainment, Shopping
Topics: hair extensions
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