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by on August 23, 2021

When you are implementing an aerospace Quality Management System (QMS) using the wants of AS9100, you'll find that you simply are integrating tons of support processes for your QMS that employment alongside the most processes to provide merchandise and services.
This may lead you to seem at these support processes and see that they are an equivalent as those utilized in alternative management systems, like an Environmental Management System (EMS) using ISO 14001:2015 or an Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OH&SMS) using OHSAS 18001. Because these support processes are common to several ISO standards, you'll consider integrating quite one management system for your company, but which will leave you unsure of the advantages and limitations which will result.

So, is it an honest idea to implement an Integrated Management System (IMS), with one master set of policies and procedures to deal with several aspects of your company at an equivalent time, like quality and environmental protection? Will you gain advantages from quite one management system working together, or would an AS 9100 Certification cause additional damage than good? Below are some advantages and drawbacks of an AS 9100 Certification that you simply should consider before proceeding.

Advantages of an AS 9100 Certification for Aero Space Industries

As has already been mentioned, many common processes exist altogether management systems. These processes contain an equivalent requirements altogether ISO management system standards. this may include determining the context of the organization, identifying interested parties, management of documented information, handling competency requirements, performing internal audits and management review, and lots of others. With this long list, it's easy to ascertain that if the method is that the same, you are doing not need extra resources to take care of quite one management system for these common processes.

Additionally, many of the benefits of all management systems are similar.

Just as with a QMS or EMS, you'll use the AS 9100 Certification to make higher selections supported facts, increase process efficiency, improve your company image, and make improving a habit among your employees. These benefits are often gained by specializing in one management system, or by looking further to several management systems integrated.
If you're getting to improve your client satisfaction, why not conjointly improve your environmental performance as well?

Disadvantages of an AS 9100 Certification

So, many goodies can come from integrating quite one management system, but are there any drawbacks? the solution is – there could also be .

Probably one among the most important problems which will accompany an Integrated Management System are often a scarcity of focus.
This can be particularly problematic if you're attempting to implement the requirements of quite one management system at the identical time.
If you're attempting to juggle the QMS needs that consider improving client satisfaction with the EMS needs for enhancing environmental performance, you will be ready to quickly confuse individuals as they struggle to know all of the varied changes you're putting into place.

Another problem are often a scarcity of resources once you have quite one management system in situ . While the method for continual improvement is additionally the same for all management systems, you'll still get to possess objectives for improvement in situ for each management system you implement.
This means that you simply will need resources to plan and win quality objectives, environmental objectives, IT security objectives, etc. While you'll prefer to have three quality objectives for a QMS, this might become impossible if you add further objectives that require to be met for every additional set of management system requirements.
For instance, if your QMS goals are to enhance on-time delivery, contract review time, and mistakes in production, you'll have enough resources.
However, you'll not have enough resources out there to additionally address further enhancements in your environmental performance.
Especially if setting and achieving objectives is new your organization, this massive sort of objectives could become overwhelming for your staff.
In short, generally, it'll be helpful to possess one management system to concentrate on and acquire right before you complicate things for your staff.

Visit : ISO 9001 Certification

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