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by on September 20, 2022

For many years, cannabis has been the subject of heated discussion and controversy. If earlier in many cultures of peoples it acted as one of the main healing extracts, today its image in the mass consciousness has been significantly interpreted and even acquired a somewhat negative connotation. In fact, yesterday's medicine has ceased to be such and today is familiar to the world as one of the most common narcotic substances.

Scientists have conducted a lot of experiments, during which it has been scientifically proven that hemp seeds do not have traces of psychoactive substances, but on the contrary, they can be beneficial to the human body. Due to the fact that hemp seeds contain a large amount of amino acids, protein, potassium, magnesium and healthy fatty acids. However, hemp seeds are quite palatable, making them an excellent food additive for salads, soups, and sauces. The first and most important thing to remember about hemp seeds is that they have a lot of significant differences from leaves and inflorescences - the seeds do not contain psychotropic tetrahydrocannabinol, which has a narcotic effect on the human body. It is also customary to extract very useful, healing hemp oil from hemp seeds.

Hemp seeds
In the modern world, hemp seeds are classified as superfoods due to the presence in their composition of a large amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as 20 essential amino acids that are necessary for the proper and healthy functioning of the body. So, amino acids are responsible for maintaining muscle activity, brain activity and metabolic processes. Hemp seeds also contain:

- protein (especially important for vegetarians and raw foodists);
- components that stabilize the intestinal microflora;
- Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids;
- bioflavonoids;
- antioxidants;
- biologically active substances.
Due to the natural and harmless composition, hemp seeds were included in the list of “superfoods” - substances that are distinguished by a rich nutrient composition. At the same time, their high biological and nutritional value is qualitatively different from similar substances. And the assimilation of hemp seeds by the body occurs at 100%.

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