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by on September 27, 2021

Yes, my avatar is a feral. I mostly tank, but occasionally I want to  WOW TBC Gold enjoy a few minutes and gain some badges without the stress of leading the group. But it just feels horrible when the whole group is doing aoe pulls and I'm slamming away at a single mob that fails before I earn five combo points. Unfortunately, Cat doesn't shine in five mens. However, the benefits you mention is certainly nice. If there's an arcane mages in your group, they'll definitely would appreciate the internals. It makes me feel a little more secure about my own DPS.

You can heal your wild with the help of the magic power. It's not as if you're a boomkin that has magic power. While I understand that, I'm not teaching you how to play , but just doing 950 is 2/3 of the most powerful classes in dps. any less than that amount of damage could be considered the equivalent of carrying. Teams can take on 500 dps. By requiring dps in these situations, you lose all power over the leader of the dungeon group.

I'm only off heal during those rare moments when the healer is either incapacitated (and the tank's overall health is getting extremely low, for example) or oom and the innervate cooldown is in effect. .... I will off-tank when necessary or if the tank is damaged due to reasons beyond my control. Bres is also on cooldown.

It is imperative to keep grouping with some pretty amazing dps as on average I've observed other classes pulling 700-1.2k in total. As a hybrid class I'm thinking that the average I'm pulling isn't too bad when you consider what else I bring to the table. I'm also offering all other students an additional 5% of critique.

My point is that tanking gives you more power for your group, and the ability to get the items that you're looking for. Even if you're dpsing in raids or other areas. My primary is a lock and yes, I can manage 1500 DPS. My pally with a different ret has 800+ dps on trash and 1k+ for bosses. I acquired all my ret gear on my pally through tanking and healing whenever I needed to and later, I was able to acquire DPS gear by playing with more geared classes who were able to compete with me or even excluding them from competition.

Do you mean raids or heroics? If the guy was referring to rogues bringing the most value from CC and helping with off-healing, he most likely meant heroics, which is where the average DPS is lower with no consumables or  cheap Burning Crusade Classic Gold buffs to raids.

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